This morning I am 191 days sober. I have woken up with what I think is the beginning of a cold.
Firstly, this is a bit of a shock to my system because since I stopped drinking booze I have not once felt really poorly - enough to make me not really want to get of bed or enough for me to think about calling in sick at work. Whilst people around me have been dropping like flies with colds, flu, the Norovirus and other ailments, I have remained healthy.
I have had a couple of occasions where, usually at night, I've felt as though I was getting a cold or something - you know, a bit headachy, slightly dry throat, a tickle at the back of the nose. Every time, I have woke up absolutely fine. I completely credit this to not drinking alcohol. Because I am not drinking booze, my immune system must be much, much healthier.
So this morning, I feel like my head might explode (or at least fall off my shoulders) and I feel 'not quite with it'..... I feel like I have brain fog.
I am being reminded of how I used to feel every day when I eventually crawled out of bed feeling (and looking) like shite until just over six months ago. How I was never 'quite with it' for sometime - usually until after several cups of coffee.
I am being reminded of people speaking to me and me not really taking it in. I could hear them fine, I just couldn't comprehend what they were telling me. I must have looked so gormless.
The times when I would seriously contemplate not going to work. (I have done this a few times
The times when I drove to work and couldn't really remember most of the driving. (This makes me feel really ashamed of myself because I was possibly still over the legal limit to drive)
At least, though, I can console myself with the fact that this morning I may feel like crap and have major brain fog until the cold remedy kicks in because I am getting a cold and not because I am hungover!
I'm pretty sure that if I was still drinking and would have felt a million times worse..... in fact, I more than likely would have had a sick day from work.
Another bonus to being AF!
Congratulations - you are so close to 200 days! Sorry you are feeling poorly but you are right that immune function improves so you shouldn’t stay down long.