Friday 25 May 2018

Wine Memes

I found this 'meme' on my Facebook Memory Timeline thingy earlier and thought I'd share it:

I shared this photo to my timeline exactly two years ago.  At the time, I'm sure I found it humorous.  Seeing it this morning made me cringe a bit because it was so true and accurate - I did love my wine more than anything else in the world.  Wine trumped everything.  Only now can I see that.

Needless to say, I have not shared this 'memory' on my timeline.

Now, things could not be more different.  When I say "I love you" to my husband it is him only that I am talking to (and the tub of icecream).



  1. Love this! Thank you for sharing.
    I know my hubs would have asked the same thing!
    I love knowing he's getting me, not the wine!

  2. Ahh, Facebook memories...I too have shared many like this, and Facebook reminds me regularly! It makes me cringe also, but if I can learn from the past (and not live in it), I guess it's not a bad thing. x

  3. I might be the only woman here without a Facebook account. I don't participate in "friends", "likes", "shares". I understand - I just don't get the faux attraction and rabid competition to post the best pretend pics.
